Espresso Marketing
Understand Your Coffee Order

How It Works

Our subscription marketing services have some basic rules to follow, to ensure that you get the most out of your services, and that we can help your business move forward.
How Espresso Works

Step 1: Pick Your Coffee

Start by picking your coffee. Note that the plan (drink) you pick should reflect your current business turnover. If you are an Enterprise level business, or your turnover is more than 2 Million – then unfortunately Espresso probably isn’t for you. You’ll have to head over to our Partner Agency website.

Choosing Your Blend

Marketing budgets for B2B and small business should be roughly 3% of your total. If you’re a B2C, you may need to invest a little more, going 5% or higher.

Step 2: Understand Your Order

Your order commits you to an ongoing monthly subscription to LD’s Espresso Marketing service. You’ll be charged automatically every month, similar to any other subscription model.

Once you begin your subscription, you’ll be set up with a service desk that will manage your projects and communication. Don’t stress! We know that new software can be daunting so we keep things easy and operate this with a simple dashboard, and your regular emails.

Your subscription can be cancelled at any time. Please check out our Refund Policy before you get started.

Number of Requests

The number of requests in your plan is the maximum number of tasks you can ask of us each month. Not all tasks will take the same amount of time, which means that there may be months where you don’t get the full number of requests if you’ve asked for something complex or that takes longer. Each time you open a new request, the time will be estimated for you so you’ll always know where you stand.

The bigger your plan is, the more requests you have available to you. Unused requests don’t roll over into the next month, so be strategic.

Active Requests

The number of active requests in your plan is the number of tasks that we can do for you at one time. A task must be completed before the next request can be started, with the exception of the Frappe blend allowing for 2 active tasks.

Keep in mind that this also means your requests are structured by time. For example, next month you might request a flyer design, and then once that task is complete, your next request is a new website. The flyer might take us 4 days to complete, but the website more likely will take 8-12 weeks. This means that this request will use up your subscription for that month and the following months until it’s completed.

Tiers of Service

The tier of service in your plan relates to the kind of marketing tasks you can ask us to do. You can find out what services are available in your blend on our services page.

If the request you make doesn’t fit in your tier, then the request may not be accepted by our team. However this doesn’t mean it can’t be done. You can always upgrade your plan for one month to make the request, and then downgrade after it is complete. We recommend that you speak to our support team before you make this change.

Additional Costs

It’s important to be aware that your monthly subscription does not include ad spend or 3rd party costs. These costs include things such as Google Ad Spend, Website Hosting Fees, CRM Platform Fees, Software License Fees, etc. When selecting a service that is likely to incur additional costs, we will make you aware of these costs before you proceed.

Step 3: Submit Your First Request

It really is as easy as 1-2-3. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll get a welcome email with even more fun instructions and guides to help you get the best out of your caffeine boost.