Espresso Marketing

Help Center

For help with choosing a plan, understanding how Espresso works, ordering assistance, or just a general chat – reach out to our customer support team and we’ll happily lend a hand!

Commonly Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of the questions most commonly asked. Feel free to drop us an email if there’s an answer you can’t find. We will usually respond to you within 48 hours.
What do you mean by "number of task requests"?

The number of requests in your plan is the maximum number of tasks you can ask of us each month. Not all tasks will take the same amount of time, which means that there may be months where you don’t get the full number of requests if you’ve asked for something complex or that takes longer. Each time you open a new request, the time will be estimated for you so you’ll always know where you stand.

The bigger your plan is, the more requests you have available to you. Unused requests don’t roll over into the next month, so be strategic.

What are the tiers of services?

The level of service in your plan relates to the kind of marketing tasks you can ask us to do. You can find out what services are available in your level on our services page.

If the request you make doesn’t fit in your level, then the request may not be accepted by our team. However this doesn’t mean it can’t be done. If the request is a priority for you, it will be pushed to our support crew who will reach out to discuss what you need, and how it can be done outside of your regular service plan.

What is an active request?

The number of active requests in your plan is the number of tasks that we can work on for you at one time. A task must be completed before the next request can be started, with the exception of the Frappe blend allowing for 2 active tasks (where the team will work on 2 of your requests at the same time).

Keep in mind that this also means your requests are structured by time. For example, next month you might request a flyer design, and then once that task is complete, your next request is a new website. The flyer might take us 4 days to complete, but the website more likely will take 8-12 weeks. This means that this request will use up your subscription for that month and the following months until it’s completed.

Do my unused requests roll over?

No, each month you request count will reset, but unused requests are forfeit. It should also be noted that depending on what kind of requests you make, not all requests may be possible to be used each month.

How can I cancel my subscription

We would be sorry to see you go, but your subscription is easily cancelled from your dashboard. If you cancel after payment is made for the month, you will not be refunded, so it is best to time your cancellation before your monthly renewal date.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription plan?

Of course! From your dashboard you can easily make the change. If you have any issues, you can also open a support ticket with us.

Do I get a new active request each month if the last one is still in progress?

You will always get a new active request as soon as the previous one is complete. But you will not automatically get a new active request option at the start of a new ‘month’ if you still have an open request being worked on. Our structure of active requests is to ensure a streamlined process for both you and our team. It also allows us to ensure we can be as flexible as possible to meet your requirements while staying on schedule and on budget.

Are there any additional costs?

It’s important to be aware that your monthly subscription does not include ad spend or 3rd party costs. These costs include things such as Google Ad Spend, Website Hosting Fees, CRM Platform Fees, Software License Fees, etc.

When selecting a service that is likely to incur additional costs, we will make you aware of these costs before you proceed.

Is there a minimum subscription term?

No. We recommend that you commit to your subscription for at least 12 months to get the maximum value and benefit. However you can cancel at any time. Note however, that payments already made won’t be refunded.

Can I purchase additional requests?

If you need additional requests then you can either consider upgrading your plan, or speaking to us about booking additional services. To do this, please reach out to us at and we’ll help you out!

What happens to my files if I cancel my subscription?

All working files for your projects remain the Intellectual Property of LD and stored on our backups. All final files created for you will be resupplied to you on request. Copies of any files and documents that you provided to us in order to complete your requests will be held for 60 days on secure servers in case you wish to rejoin. After 60 days, your files, documents and data will be deleted.

How do you manage this kind of pricing?

Efficiency comes with experience. Our team brings together highly experienced individuals, who know their crafts inside out. This means better results faster than someone who might charge less per hour, but take a lot longer to do things. That said, we still use humans and not machines, which is why we limit the requests to manage both efficiency and quality.

I Need More Help

Can’t find the answer? Then it’s time for a chat. Fill out the form, or email us directly, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.